
Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Tile Activity

Design a Tile
Make a tile that fits the following maths ideas.

  • Alternate the small squares around the outside of the tile.
  • Place the triangles and rectangle in the centre of the tile.

What is the perimeter of a small square?1cm

What is the area of the yellow rectangle?2cm 2

How many small squares do you need for the tile?12

How many triangles are the same size as one rectangle?2

How many small squares fit in side of the rectangle?2

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

The Chase Review

Do you love Action Comedy and Romance? Well then The Chase is the movie for you.

This movie was made by room 11 and it was made for the 2014 Manaiakalani Film Festival.

The main idea of the movie is that two kids are trying to have a romantic picnic but then a man comes up to them and spays them with a water gun and the two kids chase the man and when they chase him the man bumps in to more kids and they chase him too.

The thing that I love about this movie is that its so funny and I love how it is funny and thats why I rate this movie 5 stars